Monday, May 15, 2006

RPCGA Response to the CREC


Rev. Reed A. Best, S.T.M.
195 North West 71st Avenue / Ocala, Florida / 34482

May 15, 2006

Rev. Randy Booth
Chairman, CREC Pastoral Commission
8784 FM 226
Nacogdoches, TX 75961

Dear Rev. Booth:

Grace and peace in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in whose righteousness we stand by faith alone for salvation.

The Moderator has officially presented your letter and report to the Westminster Presbytery concerning your labors in Bristol, Virginia, at the St. Peter Church. First, we commend the CREC Pastoral Commission’s willingness to aid the members of St. Peter Church while the church currently has no Session, since the former Session members have been deposed. We are grateful to the CREC for encouraging the former St. Peter Session to confess, repent and apologize for their ‘significant mistakes, errors, and sins’[1], to the Westminster Presbytery (RPCGA) and are pleased that the CREC did not interfere with our judicial process. In particular, Dr. Strawbridge was supportive of our actions, as well as, Rev. Turri. Further, we commend the Pastoral Commission for encouraging the former Session members to demonstrate the fruit of true repentance due to the serious nature of the violations committed by them.

In light of this, we remind the CREC Pastoral Commission that St. Paul wrote to Timothy and warned him that he should “. . . not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins. . .” and that the man of God must be of “a good report.” It is our prayer that the Commission will heed this admonition given by the Apostle and carefully consider it in regards to many of their current and future decisions. Be assured that our prayers for the Commission and St. Peter Congregation will be that divine guidance will be given and all decisions will be in accordance with the Word of God to the honor and glory of Christ our King.

Please convey our greetings and message to the members of St. Peter Church and to the Commission as they continue to labor in Bristol.

Yours for the Kingdom of Christ,

Rev. Reed Best, S.T.M.
Stated Clerk

Attachments: CREC Commission Report, CREC to Reformed Men

[1] CREC Pastoral Commission Report, page 4.