Friday, February 3, 2006

RPCGA to the Deposed Session


Dr. Kenneth Gary Talbot
P.O. Box 6321 / Lakeland, Florida / 33807

February 3, 2006

To: The Deposed Session of St. Peter Presbyterian Church

Dear R.C., Laurence, Wayne and Jay;

On behalf of Westminster Presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly and as its Moderator, I want to thank you for your letter of repentance dated February 2, 2006.

We appreciate your sincerity in confessing to the violations recorded in the Declaratory Judgment of January 26, 2006 from the Westminster Presbytery.

We are thankful for your honesty in confessing your violations concerning the teaching and practicing of paedo-communion which is in violation of our standards. Your confession and repentance is received and you are forgiven.

We also appreciate your confession of mishandling your offices and authority as ministers in the Church of Jesus Christ to those who have been hurt and offended by your actions. We will encourage them to contact you concerning these offences. We believe, with your desire to make things right with the family of God, where such offences have been made, whether intentional or not, you will do the right thing by them. (Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15 Section 6) Your confession and repentance is received and you are forgiven.

Further, we greatly value your concern for the good name of the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly, and the professed repentance for any embarrassment you have caused the denomination, whether by word of mouth, by writing and/or by your actions and deeds, which were in violation of our Book of Church Order. Your confession and repentance is received and you are forgiven.

We are most grateful for your recognition of our “friendship, kindness and gracious patience shown to the session over the past four years”. We thank you for your expression of and recognition of our leadership and the love we have for you as brethren.

Finally in recognition of our authority and proper proceedings, according to the Book Of Church Order, regarding your deposition from the ministry, and in light of your confession and repentance to the above mentioned issues, we accept your word, that you have knowingly and willingly given true repentance in a spirit of humility, hereby grant you your request to be “dismissed from the jurisdiction of the general membership of Westminster Presbytery.”

The Presbytery would also like to take this opportunity to, once again, apologize to Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. for our failure to disclose our 1997 General Assembly Act concerning paedo-communion. Our intent was never to mislead any individual concerning our position. We recognize that even though we offered R.C. to remain in the RPCGA on the condition that he would not teach (in any fashion) or practice (in any fashion) paedo-communion. We did this because R.C. came to us in good faith promising not to teach or practice paedo-communion; however, we understand that it created a very difficult circumstance because the other three elders were not extended that same provision. For our failure, we apologize and ask you for your forgiveness. We greatly appreciate your recognition that this oversight was “unintentional . . . [and that you] . . . harbor no grievance regarding this matter.”

We pray that you go in peace, honor your repentance, and serve our living God whose Son Jesus Christ is Lord over all creation. Again, we praise God for your confession and repentance. We pray and exhort all Christians to seek repentance and reconciliation as you gentlemen have professed in your letter because as Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. has written, “. . . a true man takes responsibility for his failures. That is why a godly man’s best posture is on his knees repenting. . .” (“When Bucks Fly” in Family Reformation Magazine, page 34, Fall 2004). We believe you men have modeled this attitude before all, and we are most humbled by your humility. Be assured that our love and prayers are for each of you.

Ordered this 3rd day of February, 2006 and sent to the office of the Stated Clerk.

Your servant in Christ and on behalf of all members of Westminster Presbytery,

Kenneth Gary Talbot

Dr. Kenneth Gary Talbot

A copy of this letter will be sent by certified mail.